Friday, January 23, 2009

Stepping outside of your comfort Zone.- Welcome to the life that’s been waiting for You.

Stepping outside of your comfort Zone.- Welcome to the life that’s been waiting for You.

Like must of us you've probably heard people say "If you want to get something you've never had, You have to step outside your comfort Zone" I learned the real meaning of stepping outside your comfort zone for myself a few months ago now and I now know what it’s all like how it feels and some times we all need a good push the first time of stepping outside of our comfort zone but I will say to never wait to be kicked out! Though I believe that when we’re ready to step out it’s really easy and you find it to be a great thing and you will find the life out there that has been waiting for you all along.

Stepping outside of your comfort zone not only means going after what you want and doing things even though your not comfortable doing them but it also means change and a lot of it in order for this to happen, Change is a constant must and a constant thing in life for us, the people around us and for life it self .

Stepping outside your comfort zone means being vulnerable and even though it's a bit scary I found that the rewards were well worth it in the end and being vulnerable makes you feel so alive and though like myself you may want to run back to your comfort zone i.e. the place where you feel safe from harm you’ll find that it’s not bad at all and it’s not really scary at all it’s just something that you’ve never known.

It means that if you never try to doing anything different then what and all that you know now then you will never see any change in life and it will hold you back from great things happening for you in life such as doing and being more then you are currently and being who you were always meant to become.
At the same time it's like wanting change but fearing it so much that your to paralyzed to move, So you just keep going in circles never changing and never growing or learning and living all that you were meant to live in life.

That's why most of us know what we want but don't believe we can really have or deserve it.
Because even though we want it we wont most of the time take a step in a new direction to get what we want most.
That is a limited belief, because it is far easier to say ‘Well I can't get it anyway so why try’?

Wont the rewards be worth the risk? And the risk may not be that big or bad as you think it is and most times the risk is far smaller then you think or feel it is it is all just something that you are afraid to try so it keeps you stuck in place because of the fear of it and fear is the biggest and worst enemy you have.

Risk and change are something of which we all need on a regular basis and the worst part of it is that most of us know that we need that change but are to scared to take a chance and see what we get when we take that chance and being as how that means being vulnerable that also means being open to hurt and no one likes to get hurt,
It COULD also mean a little criticism and change from the normal day to day routine and even though most of us want that much needed change we also fear it at the same time, So it leaves you slipping back into the same old rut again and again not making any progress or moving forward.

When you start stepping outside your comfort zone all you really need to do is just take baby steps at first, You can take big steps if you wish though I would highly suggest small steps because your use to what your trying to do, though you may feel scared at first and very vulnerable it’s okay to be vulnerable because being vulnerable isn't that bad and life I said it makes you feel super alive and once you start to take small steps outside your comfort zone you’ll see what I mean and you’ll realize that you haven’t been really living until you start doing little things towards stepping out and you’ll see how quicker things start lining up just right in your life for you.

Being vulnerable makes you feel more alive and more in tune with everything yourself and more in tune with life and then you will begin to notice this more and more you’ll also begin to feel more joy and happiness in life and you’ll be more happy with yourself as well and life will become easier and fun and will flow almost effortlessly.

Here’s a few tips I would suggest for stepping outside your comfort zone and are many of the things I did.

1) Get a Mentor or Coach, So that you have someone to coach you in your efforts and will hold you accountable.

2) Figure out what your comfort zone and formulate a plan for stepping outside of it and take steps daily for stepping outside your comfort zone.

3) Always take small steps at first as it’s something that your not use to doing and you need to be a bit comfortable doing it. Though you will at a certain point want to push yourself a little to see how you do because after a time you be ready for it so take a chance on yourself and your inner strengths

4) Break your daily routines and try something new at least once a day.

5)If your shy like myself then try meeting a few new people and talking to them even if only a small conversation it’s worth it and it will help build confidants at the same time.

6) Also after you’ve tried doing many of the above it’s good to start pushing yourself a little and putting yourself out there more then you’re at first comfortable doing because it will in the long run help to further you and you’ll most likely find that it helps you out a lot more then you would otherwise have thought that it would.

7) Do at one thing that makes you feel uncomfortable doing and tell yourself that you are the hero and everything you need is there inside of you and that you know you can do it! And that you have what it takes!

Take a chance on life and find out what you can do and all you can be, "Life has always been there waiting for you to be ready for it, When your ready the world is open for you and waiting for you to realize that it needs you more then you would ever know and what you have to are you ready for it?.”
Take a chance on life.

Here’s to you and all that you don’t know that you are.
Blessings love and light to guide your path always.

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